
The Foundation anstiftung carries out research into commons, do-it-yourself and sustainable regionalisation. A key element of this is creating a new perspective on what Western societies understand by "prosperity". Since quality of life is not just about having a large number of different products, the Foundation networks and promotes subsistence practices in everyday life and draws attention to their importance for a sustainable society in a sustainable global context.

The Foundation is involved in a wide variety of civil society-based innovative activities in urban and rural areas. These include open spaces such as community gardens, intercultural gardens and open workshops on crafting and fabbing, as well as initiatives aimed reviving neighbourhoods and artistic interventions in public space.

The Foundation carries out qualitative empirical social research. Find here three results of our research work: 

We also coordinate a research network, document current research activities, organise research workshops and, jointly with other foundations, award a prize for research into the ecological economy.

Our methodological approach is resource-based. In particular, we promote:

  • Local and regional networks of relationships
  • Participation of ethnic and other minorities
  • Manual work or crafts
  • Ways of reducing the use of resources and promoting an ecological and socially compatible economy

The Foundation realises its objectives through:

  • Academic work and secondary research
  • Developing, promoting and disseminating examples of best practice
  • Education and training
  • Public relations activities

In our academic work, we cooperate with various networks of practitioners, institutes and research organizations.